Service Since 1974
(Affiliated to Giants Welfare Foundation)

​(Formerly known as GIANTS INTERNATIONAL)
Those to whom life has been kind should not accept this good fortune as a matter of course, but instead it's one's duty to think continually of those who have been denied this privilege.
With this one thought in mind Giants International was formally launched in Bombay in 1972. An Active and Service Oriented group of individuals under the leadership of Shri NANA CHUDASAMA got together to start a service Organisation, which would work towards the betterment of society and the upliftment of the poor and underprivileged, with the ultimate goal of blossoming into a truly International Service Organisation.
Giants International is India's first International Service Organisation. The foundation and basis of this movement were the courage of conviction, moral leadership and intellectual integrity of the Indian people in accepting Giants as an Organisation, which would work towards bettering world communities, deriving its strength from compassion and virtue to always bring good cheer and hope in the community.
Each letter is significant in the word giants. It is an acronym and stands for Generosity, Integrity, Action, Nobility, Truthfulness and Service. These qualities are manifestations of good solid citizenship. Each member of the organization is expected to live up to these ideals and his utility and promptness of action are judged accordingly.
Besides 500 active groups in India GIANTS are actively working in Mauritius, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Malawi, UK, USA, South Africa and Ukraine.
The Head Quarters functions at the II Floor, Orient Club building, 9, Chowpatty Sea Face, Mumbai - 400 007 under the dynamic guidance of Ms. Shaina N.C., the Chairperson supported by Central & Special Committee members and for administrative purposes there are 16 Branches functioning in India headed by Federation Presidents.